CNG vehicle buyer memo

Step 1. How to recognize if this car is running on natural gas?
Keywords to search for CNG car in the Internet:
The following endings may be present in the name of a car model:
If the name of the car contains the ending Bi-Fuel, you should check with the seller which fuel is the second: natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (liquefied petroleum gas, propane-butane).
in the column «FUEL CONSUMPTION» units of measurement are indicated either in kilograms (KG) or in cubic meters (M3).
Conversion coefficients: 1 kg = 1,47 m3; 1 m3 = 0,71 kg
Step 2. Don't forget important documents!
Documents with information about installed equipment and gas cylinders are important for a gas-cylinder vehicle. Documents can be presented in the form of an insert in the service book and (or) a separate card, which contains information:
Volume of each gas tank (in liters), Brand of gas tanks (manufacturer), Serial number, Date of next inspection of gas tanks
If these documents are absent, then get ready for the fact that you may not be refueled at the CNG Station. Such requirements at least apply at gas stations in the Republic of Belarus.
Check the performance of the car on gasoline, as it may be needed when driving.
Step 3. Where to refill
The network of CNG Stations in Europe is quite well developed, but when choosing a route, take care to find out in which cities along the route there are natural gas filling stations. Keep in mind that some gas stations are not open 24/7 or only refill departmental vehicles.
More information about the location of CNG gas stations in Europe can be found on the Internet at the link:
CNG Station can be found by the signs containing the following words
or by the recently introduced road sign in Europe:
The LPG car you bought is probably dual-fuel, i.e. it can work not only with CNG, but also with gasoline, for which a reserve gasoline tank is provided. Pure gas models are rare.
If the vehicle has been converted from a petrol version, then it has a full-size petrol tank. If you bought a factory model gas car, then the gasoline tank is usually a reserve one and allows you to drive 150-200 km on gasoline until the next CNG filling. -
All over the world, including Europe, natural gas for cars is cheaper than gasoline and diesel fuel. Approximate prices for NGV fuel in Europe:
Germany – 1,11 €/kg, Austria – 1,02 €/kg, Poland – 1,1 €/kg, Holland – 1,09 €/kg, Sweden – 1,74 €/kg, Ukraine – 0,35 €/kg, Italy – 0,99 €/kg, Switzerland – 1,7 €/kg, Czech Republic – 0,95 €/kg, Belgium – 0,94 €/kg, Bulgary – 0,9 €/kg, Belarus – 0,27 €/kg, France – 1,26 €/kg, Spain – 0,93 €/kg, Moldova – 0,4 €/kg, Hungary – 1,16 €/kg, Russia – 0,19 €/kg, Source:;
Reference: consumption of 1 m3 of CNG is equivalent to the consumption of 1 liter of gasoline
Step 4. Upon arrival in the Republic of Belarus ...
To pass a technical inspection, the car must be in good working order, including gas equipment. At the inspection station, you will be required to have a technical card for the installed gas cylinders, which you can get at the sites for the installation and repair of gas cylinder equipment of OJSC «Gazprom Transgaz Belarus».
Specialists will carry out diagnostics of the gas tank equipment of your car, check the serviceability and tightness of the gas-fuel system, as well as the technical condition and the next period for the inspection of the gas tanks.
OJSC «Gazprom transgaz Belarus» has the opportunity to re-certify gas tanks if their certification period has expired (according to documents or a stamp on the gas tanks) or has not been established.
For your convenience, as well as in case of payment for CNG fuel at gas stations of OJSC «Gazprom transgaz Belarus» by bank transfer, you can issue an electronic card identifier (ECI), which is used for cashless payments for CNG.
Using the calculators on our website, you can compare the benefits of using a CNG vehicle and calculate the approximate cost of converting a CNG vehicle.
Addresses, telephones, operating hours of CNG filling stations and sites for the installation of gas equipment, as well as other useful information you can find out by visiting our website